Sunshine Injections Now Available

It’s commonly known that we get most of our Vitamin D supply from sun exposure.  This can be rather hard to achieve when living in Canada where we only have a brief period of time with long daylight hours.  Vitamin D has many roles in the body including:  -growth and development -immune function -memory and Read more about Sunshine Injections Now Available[…]

Where It All Began.

This photo was taken when I was 11 years old.  This was the year when everything changed.  It was at this age that I developed a long list of food sensitivities. There are many thoughts on how food sensitivities develop, but I strongly believe that in my case it was related to stress from an Read more about Where It All Began.[…]


Jump out of bed, dress, feed kids, drop off kids, dash to work, meet the demands of the day, dash home, throw dinner together (literally), drop kids at hockey, back home, kids to bed, collapse. Is this the rhythm of your days?  Intense with multiple things thrown at you all at once with little time Read more about Stressed?[…]

Breathe Easy This Winter

If you live far enough north, winter is synonymous with skating, tobogganing, snowball fights, and other snowy pursuits. But it can also be a season of sickness, during which our bodies transform into mucous factories. Do you ever wonder where all this mucous is coming from? How can one tiny person produce so much yuck? Read more about Breathe Easy This Winter[…]

Veggie Re-Grow Challenge!

We like to re-use our vegetables.  I understand this may sound strange, but did you know you can grow new veggies from the ones you buy at the grocery store? We most commonly do this with celery.  It’s fun to chop the bottom off, set it in a dish of water in the window and Read more about Veggie Re-Grow Challenge![…]