Gluten Free Snacking

Gluten is a protein found in some grains and it can cause heavy duty symptoms for some people. Symptoms can include fatigue, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and possible damage to the intestinal villi. As you can see this protein can really wreak havoc on the digestive system. Making the change to remove wheat or all gluten Read more about Gluten Free Snacking[…]

Where It All Began.

This photo was taken when I was 11 years old.  This was the year when everything changed.  It was at this age that I developed a long list of food sensitivities. There are many thoughts on how food sensitivities develop, but I strongly believe that in my case it was related to stress from an Read more about Where It All Began.[…]

Signs That You Need To Detoxify

We are all exposed to toxins daily.  Things like –  pesticides, industrial wastes, synthetic medicine, food additives, car exhaust and cigarette smoke and all of these are chemicals that are foreign to our body.  They end up accumulating inside because our body does not know how to deal with them.  This has a dramatic affect Read more about Signs That You Need To Detoxify[…]

The Power of Your Food

This week I’d like to share with you about the power of your food.  I love working with people on the topic of nutrition and assessing what they’re eating, but more importantly discussing what things can be added in to support them and move their health in the direction they’d like it to go.   Read more about The Power of Your Food[…]

Electrodermal Screening

Electrodermal Screening is a tool I use in my Oakville Naturopathic practice regularly, but it’s a type of testing that’s new to most people.  Here’s answers to a few FAQ to help you understand what it’s all about. Q:  What is Electrodermal Screening? A:  Electrodermal Screening (EDS) is a tool which allows the practitioner to Read more about Electrodermal Screening[…]