Summer is a busy time of year with lots of outdoor activities to take part in. Family time spent in the great outdoors is wonderful, but sometimes we find minor accidents interrupting our fun in the sun. I was reminded of the importance and helpfulness of a natural first aid kit during our last trip up to the cottage as we spent our days tubing and water skiing, which resulted in may bumps, scraps, bruises, strains and sprains.
There are many natural remedies to help ease the pain of these minor bumps and scraps, along with some to speed up the healing process to get you back in the fun faster.
To help you and your family manage these first aid moments we’ve compiled a list of must have items for your own natural first aid kit.

Apis 30C -This homeopathic remedy is best used as a treatment for insect stings involving a a stinging, burning type pain with swelling.
- Use: 3 pellets dissolved under the tongue every 2 hours to relieve swelling; up to 5 doses. Stop when symptoms improve.
Arnica montana 30C – Arnica is a fabulous homeopathic remedy to help ease the initial trauma of an injury and to reduce pain and bruising.
- Use: Pellets – Acute – 3 pellets dissolved under tongue every 30-60 minutes up 4 times. Follow up – 3 pellets 2x day up to 5 days, until bruising and pain is reduced. Stop when symptoms improve.
- Cream – Applied to affected area, but not on broken skin.

Calendula Cream – Apply this cream liberally to burns and abrasions to speed tissue healing and as an antiseptic (prevents growth of disease causing micro organisms).
- Use: Apply cream and cover with sterile dressing. Change as needed for 2-3 days.
Rhus tox 30C – This is a homeopathic remedy for sprains and strains, especially cases where the joint is hot and swollen and there is stiffness of the joint when first moved, but it feels better after continued motion. Additionally this remedy can be used for the relief of the extreme itch of poison ivy.
- Use: 3 pellets dissolved under the tongue every 4 hours up to 3 doses. Stop when symptoms improve.
Tea Tree Oil – This oil is a natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic along with aiding in wound healing, as well as reducing pain and inflammation. Tea tree oil can be used undiluted on any minor cuts or abrasions of the skin.
- Use: Apply 2-3 drops of oil on scrape and cover with sterile dressing. Change as needed for 2-3 days. This may sting!
Witch Hazel – This great herb can be purchased in presoaked gauze pads. Witch Hazel can be used as an astringent, but also has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It even helps to reduce the aggravating itchiness from insect bites!
- Use: Topically as a cold compress on burns (including sunburns), bruises, sore muscles, and even insect bites.
Dr. Jennifer Kaster ND
Helping you achieve wellness…the natural way!